Private James Dowie, 1st Bn Queens Own Cameron Highlanders

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Private James Dowie 17980, 1st  Battalion Queens Own Cameron Highlanders.

James Dowie was born in Dornoch Cottages, Crieff on 22nd April 1893.  He was the only child of Duncan and Annie Dowie.  By the time of the 1901 census, the family had moved to Perth and Duncan was working as a carter.   Prior to enlisting, James was a grocer in Hamilton.  On the outbreak of war, he was sent to manage canteens in different parts of the country, however he was determined to be on active service and enlisted in the army in April 1915.  James took part in the Battle of Loos in 1915, and in October of that year he was part of a group of soldiers who gallantly attempted to capture the village of Hulloch.  Private James Dowie was reported missing, presumed killed, on 13th October 1915.  He was 22 years old.  He is remembered with honour on the Loos Memorial.  James was awarded the Victory and British War medals.


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