Captain Thomas Ferguson, 6th Bn Black Watch

To hear Tomas’s story read by Lt Col Roddy Riddle, Black Watch; please press play on the audio file.


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Captain Thomas Ferguson, 6th Battalion The Black Watch

Thomas Ferguson was born in Perth on 12th October 1880 to William and Juliana Ferguson of Pictstonhill, Scone. Thomas’s father was a farmer.  Thomas was educated at Clifton Bank School, St Andrews, later attending Reading School in Berkshire.  He was associated with his father in management of his farm and manure business.  Later Thomas was a tenant farmer at Kinochtry in the parish of Kettins.  He married Annie Stewart and they had two children.  Thomas held a commission in the 5th (Volunteer) Battalion of the Black Watch and on 14th June he enlisted with the 6th Battalion.  Captain Thomas Ferguson was sent to France where he met his death at Beaumont Hamel on the 13th November 1916.  He was 35 years old.



  • Colin Ferguson

    Jun 13, 2019 - Reply

    Thomas Ferguson was my great uncle. He was actually 36 years old when he was killed. I have just returned from France where I visited both his grave in Auchonvillers, and the area surrounding Beaumont Hamel where he was killed. It is very heartening to see how well tended the graves and monuments are. It makes me very grateful for their sacrifice. Were it not for him and his fellow companions, we may not be here now.
    Colin Ferguson. 13/6/19

    • Margaret Roy

      Jan 4, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Colin
      I am not actually related to Thomas but one of my relatives, William Roy was a first cousin of his wife Annie Stewart. For this reason , I have a copy of his wedding photo. Have you seen it? If not I am happy to email you a copy.

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