Gunner James McEwan Brough Baillie, Royal Garrison Artillery

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Gunner James McEwan Brough Baillie 2827131/7713, 30th Trench Mortor Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery.

James McEwan Brough Baillie was born in Perth on 15th September 1886.  His parents were Peter and Janet Baillie and they had six children.  At the time of his birth, the family was living in High Street, Perth and James’s father was a railway porter.   The 1891 census shows they had moved to Thimblerow, Perth and his father was now a coal salesman.  James’s mother died when he was 11 years old.  James married Jeanie McPherson in 1910 and they continued to live in Perth.  They had two children, Edward and Isabelle.  In 1915, James enlisted with the Royal Garrison Artillery and was soon mobilised to France.  He was involved in various battles on the Western Front.  In 1917 he was involved in the Battle of Messines.  Gunner James McEwan Brough Baillie died in the area of Zillebeke on 7th  June 1917.  This was close to the action on Hill 60 and Messines Ridge.  He was 30 years old.  He was awarded the Star, Victory and British War medals.



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