Lance Corporal David Marshall, 7th Bn Warwickshire Regiment

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Lance Corporal David Marshall 267261,  7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (previously Highland Cyclist Battalion)

David Marshall was born in Scone in 1895 to James and Maggie Marshall, who had married in 1894.   David lived with his parents, younger sister and his grandfather at Cross Street, Scone.  He attended Scone Public School and upon leaving he worked as a Glazer in the Dyeworks of Pullars.  He enlisted at 17 years of age with the territorial force, the Highland Cyclist Battalion.  He later transferred to the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and was mobilised to France.  He was involved in various battles on the Western Front.  Lance Corporal David Marshall was reported missing in the field, presumed killed, on the 19th July 1916.  He was 21 years old.  He is remembered with honour on the Loos Memorial.  David was awarded the Victory and British War medals.



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