Private John George Burns, 9th Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

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Private John George Burns 40904, 9th Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (previously Lanarkshire Yeomanry)

John George Burns was born on 17th June 1881 in Jedburgh, the eldest of five children born to George and Margaret Jessie Burns.  The family moved to Buccleuch Street, Melrose and John’s father was a portboy.  John’s mother died in 1895, followed by his father in 1896, and the children went to live with their maternal grandparents.  John is recorded as having lodged with the Roddy family at Dingleton, Melrose when he was 19.  He was employed as a van man.  When John enlisted with the Lanarkshire Yeomanry in 1916, he was married and had three children.  He carried out his training at Scone Camp.  He transferred to the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in the same year and was sent to France.  Private John George Burns survived the fighting but succumbed to influenza, pneumonia and heart failure on 31st  January 1919.  He was 37 years old.  He was awarded the Victory and British War medals.


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