Sapper Daniel Irvine, Royal Engineers

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Sapper Daniel Irvine 3147, Royal Engineers (previously The Black Watch Brigade). 

Some documents refer to this gentleman as Donald, but others use Daniel. For this purpose we are using Daniel.

Daniel Irvine was born in Perth on the 8th February 1883; he was the son of Duncan and Euphemia Irvine.  His father worked as a warden at Perth General Prison.  Daniel was educated at Craigie School and Perth Academy before his family moved to Abbey Road, Scone. He then worked as a clerk with the Post Office in Perth and Blairgowrie.  Daniel initially joined the Black Watch Brigade, but on 20th November 1914 he transferred to the Royal Engineers and was soon sent to the Dardanelles.  Sapper Daniel Irvine died of dysentery in hospital at Alexandria on 3rd November 1915.  He was 32 years old.  He was awarded the Victory and British War medals.





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