Private Gordon John MacNaughton, 1st Bn Black Watch

To hear Gordon’s story read by Brian Cunningham, head gardener Scone Estates; please press play on the audio file.


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in a new 300 page book



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Private Gordon John MacNaughton 11955, 1st Battalion The Black Watch

Gordon John McNaughton was born on the 18th March 1896 to John and Margaret MacNaughton.  They lived at 14 Bell Street, Lochee.  Gordon was educated at Liff School, Dundee. He did a timed served apprenticeship as a gardener with Greystane Gardens and was afterward employed by Scone Estates.  Gordon enlisted in the Army in Dundee in June 1916 and was sent to France with the 1st Bn Black Watch.  His brother William also enlisted with the Black Watch.  Private Gordon John McNaughton was reported missing on 18th  August 1916 during the action near Bazentin, and it is likely that he died on that day.  His body was never found.  He was 20 years of age. Gordon is remembered with honour on the Thiepval Memorial.  He was awarded the Victory and British War medals.



  • Lesley Sommerville

    Jul 8, 2018 - Reply

    Gordon was my Great Uncle, my Gran his sister Violet never forgot him or his Brother.
    My eldest son is named Gordon and my mother’s middle name was Gordon.

    • Peter Olsen

      Jul 11, 2018 - Reply

      Hi Lesley
      Thank you for getting in touch. Gordon is remembered in a special memorial area in Scone Palace gardens. He has a oak tree planted alongside his plaque in remembrance of his time as a gardener at the palace and his story was read by Scone Palace head gardener. Hope you are able to visit. His full life story is in the Book Scone Remembers Our Men From the Great War 1914-198, which can be borrowed from Scone or Perth Library or purchased from the Scone Sweetie Shop, The Scone Spar or on line. The book is also available at Scone Palace and The Black watch Meseuem.

      Kind regards

      Scone Remembers.

    • Irene MacNaughton

      Oct 4, 2018 - Reply

      Hello Lesley,
      My name is Irene MacNaughton. My 26 year old son Mike has shown a great interest in his Scottish heritage so we’re planning our trip to Scotland June 2020. We’d like to visit Scone & Black Watch Museum to pay our respects for your Great Uncle Gordon. I’m wondering if you are familiar with the MacNaughtons of Dunderave on Loch Fyne. Mike’s Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather was Dugald MacNaughton 1776-1852. He married Catherine MacFarlane they had 10 children. Their 7th child was Mike’s Great, Great, Great Grandfather John Dugald MacNaughton b. March 16, 1823 in Argyllshire. Dugald & Catherine immigrated with their family to Canada 1830-1832. Do you know how you may be related to Dugald MacNaughton? Thank you for sharing your July message.

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